Friday, October 11, 2024

Jesus Listens for Advent & Christmas, Friday: Week One


Happy Friday, Friends!  What have you been up to this week?  I have been keeping very busy with chores.  I also took a hula hoop class and went to my weekly art class.  It's been a pretty good week!

What are you thinking about the devotional book so far?  I am enjoying it so much, especially the prayers.  My favorite this week was the one on page 10.  What I got from it was that I need not to focus too much on troubles because that's when I miss the "beauty and the brightness of a day" and the blessings that come with it.  I needed to read and pray that prayer, especially this week.  I have flagged it.  I've also included the scripture from this prayer below.

Do you have anything you'd like to share from this week's readings?

Prayer Requests:

  • Please be in prayer for those recovering from the impacts of Hurricanes Helene and Milton. 
  • Pray for our military and military families, and the Wisconsin National Guard deployed in Iraq.
  • Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry.  Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends.  Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
  • Rita asks for prayers for her sweet daughters as their graduate school semester is beginning.  Pray for them to have a healthy and productive work/school/life balance.  
  • Pray for Christian leadership in our country.  Also pray that God will turn our hearts to him, and he will lavishly bless us with his steadfast love.
  • Pray for free and fair elections in the Unites States in every precinct! 
  • Please pray for a job opportunity for our oldest daughter Shanley (her post doc will be coming to an end).  Also, our son-in-law Christopher is applying for a CMO position within the pediatric practice/company he works for.  Christopher felt good about his interview!  Please pray that God's will be done for their job opportunities.  
  • Please keep Rita's sister and youngest daughter in your prayers:  big life changes about to happen.
  • Be in prayer for Carla's Florida  friends who lost 1/2 of their home. Today they received a forbearance on their mortgage payments until February 1st.  PRAISE GOD!
  • Let's pray that we are blessed by our Advent study.

Do you have any plans this weekend?  We're going to a Fall Festival.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Happy Friday friends! My favorite verse was on page 12…This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
    I try to say that verse from Psalm 118:24 each morning, so that made me smile.
    Enjoy your weekend prayer family and prayers will be said for all of your requests.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear of Carla's friend's devastation in FL. Let us not forget all those suffering, especially in NC and now FL.
    I agree with you, Ricki Jill, on page 10's message. This week particularly was a hard one with troubles, but the delight of day tripping yesterday in one of our state's beautiful areas did the senses good. Topping it off was a glimpse of the Northern Lights right here in the city!
    Love the fact that you took a hula hoop class! J and I practice hula hooping! I'm praying for a restful weekend, with perhaps some gardening.
    I have a praises to share for my daughters' graduate work - #1 received an offer for a position at the place where she's interning (which she loves!), and has her first clients on her own next week! #2 is doing well in her studies, and has secured her 3 necessary fields of medicine practice for doing her intern work starting next semester!

  3. Hello Friends,
    An update.. Steve and Jessica's home and business took another direct hit. More to come... as of today, they still have not been cleared to go look at their property.
    Bonita made it out of the storm with little damage, and received power Sunday night.
    THANK YOU for praying.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.