Friday, December 29, 2023

One Thousand Gifts: Friday, Week Twenty Two

Happy Fifth Day of Christmas, Friends!

How is your Christmas Season so far?  We've had a wonderful time with family and friends.

This week's devotional is entitled perceiving grace.  The timing is perfect IMHO because the enemy wants to ruin our perspective and biblical vision through his lies and accusations ESPECIALLY during this holy season.  We maintain the proper perspective by remaining in God's Holy Word.

Here is this week's scripture:

Do you like The Message version of scripture?  It's not my favorite, but I do like reading from The Message from time to time.

Prayer Requests

  • Kitty asks that we pray that her Grandson Connor and his dad will make amends; Son Mike will find a job; and Son in law Eric will be able to manage his cervical dystonia.
  • Pray that God will keep a hedge of protection around each of our families, especially concerning our health (physical, mental, and spiritual).
  • Thank-you, God, for your constancy in answering our prayers!
  • Pray for unity in our country, and that God will show us mercy and continue to bless us. 
  • Carla has a request for her community as crime is increasing.  She also requests that we pray for courage for the citizens of Cameron.
  • Sam is back to his monthly Drill schedule with the Wisconsin National Guard. Prayer request is for strength and wisdom. Longer drill periods have been set for 2024.  Pray for the 157th!
  • Please pray for travel mercies for family and friends.  Trip and I will be traveling this weekend, and we'll return home to Birmingham on Tuesday, January 2nd.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Until next time...

Merry Christmas!
Ricki Jill


  1. Everyone, have a safe holiday. Praying for you all for a happy new year, safe travels, and good health. xo

  2. Hello my friends, we were out of town for several days. I am catching up with the requests, my prayers are with you all.
    Prayer request:
    A group of Wisconsin National Guard will be deploying to Syria. Please continue to pray for our military and military families.
    Love, Carla

  3. Prayers for all. Have been gone for the holidays off and on so playing catch up today. I continue to keep everyone in my prayers. Happy New Year. Hugs. Kris


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.