Friday, May 24, 2024

One Thousand Gifts: Friday, Week Forty-One


Happy Friday, Friends!  Do you have any special plans for Memorial Day Weekend?  We plan to go to the lake and relax!

This week's devotion is entitled:

This is one of my favorite devotions so far.  I love how Ann takes the sweetest quote from her daughter:  "Why is there all this loveliness?"  The lesson is so needed because we tend to question the opposite, don't we?  It's important for me as an artist to remember that there is a biblical standard for beauty and loveliness.  In this upside down world depravity and ugliness is pushed in our very faces, and we are told that it is lovely.  We are told not to believe our lying eyes.  

The lesson's primary focus is the questioning of why God allows so much evil, of blaming him.  I'd rather praise him for the beauty, for how he shares his goodness.  As Father God is described in the lesson, He is a Giver.


Here is this week's scripture:

I also had a graphic made of Romans 1:21 from the NIV:

Prayer Requests

  • Rita asks for us to pray for her younger daughter's relationship struggles, and that she will listen to God's spirit within to make the right decisions.
  • Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry.  Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends.  Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
  • Please continue to pray for our military and military families.
  • Continue to pray for Carla's son Sam and the 157th!  Sam is in Louisiana training.  Let's pray that God will help him adjust to the heat and humidity.
  • Pray for a safe, happy, and meaningful Memorial Day for our nation.

I'm making a pour-over coffee this morning.  I'm getting the hang of it, and I like making coffee this way!

Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend, Friends!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I loved this week's reading. The question of good/evil as discussed reminded me of my undergrad Philosphy class - the ONLY book I saved from college or post grad. It's a very good topic of discussion, and our will to choose has a great bearing on both.
    Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Ours will likely be a quiet one.

  2. I loved this week's reading. The question of good/evil as discussed reminded me of my undergrad Philosphy class - the ONLY book I saved from college or post grad. It's a very good topic of discussion, and our will to choose has a great bearing on both.
    Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Ours will likely be a quiet one.

  3. Hi Friends! I’m late to the party, like Ann who was late to her Bible study. God is always and forever good. I agree with Rita in that we have free will.
    Blessings for a safe Memorial Day weekend as we honor those who gave us our freedom, and Prayers for our country.

  4. Oops…I read two chapters and was mixed up!

  5. I have to smile... from ear to ear. We just got into making pour over coffee about a month ago. We use to make French Press. We also are getting the hang of pour over and are enjoying it. In fact I love it!! :-)


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.