Happy New Year and Ninth Day of Christmas, Friends!

Do you celebrate all twelve days of Christmas through Epiphany?  We do in our home.  We love Christmas!

Do you have any plans, resolutions, or goals this year?  The main thing I want to achieve this year is living a more discerning life.  I want to do the things that brings joy to others and myself, and not participate in activities that don't.  That's pretty much my main goal.

Have you had a chance to pick-up a copy of SoulFull yet?  I think we will enjoy this study because we all are creatives in different ways.  The subtitle of the book is "A Weekly Devotional To Nourish the Mind, Body, and Spirit."  Each week includes a "Souljoy section that is meant to activate our connection to our bodies and physically live our the soulfull experience."  Twenty-two of these are recipes, so I think our devotionals might spend a little time in our kitchens!

We obviously won't have the time to do all the activities in the book, but one of the features I like about it is the index in the back of the book for spiritual reflections.  If you or someone you love has a specific need, this book is a lovely resource.  I will probably use it as needed although it is my intent to read and post chronologically.

To get us started on our first lesson we will discuss next Friday, below is the Bible verse for Week One.

How I'd like for you to participate:

1.   Share your thoughts about the lesson.

2.   Share your creative pursuits for the week, whether it was suggested by the lesson or not.  

3.   Share your prayer requests.

Remember that I will only post on Friday mornings.  I think this will work better for all of us, and I want to write better, slightly longer posts as well.

Do you have any thoughts about this study you'd like to share?

Before we get to our prayer requests, I want to share with you a quote sent to me by Betty, our small group leader at church.  I think it's wonderful advice for the new year!

A little plan

Be curious. Go outside. Get to bed on time. Hydrate. Breathe from the diaphragm. Eat happy. Get a routine baggy enough to live in. Be kind. Accept that not everyone will like you. Appreciate those who do. Don't be defined. Allow mess ups. Want what you already have. Learn to say no to things that get in the way of life. And to say yes to the things that help you live. 
~Matt Haig

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for our military and military families, and the Wisconsin National Guard deployed in Iraq.
  • Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job that uses his talents.
  • PRAISE:  Eric found out that he was hired this week and will start work on January 6th. 
  • Pray for a peaceful and smooth transition of power between now and January 20, 2025.
  • Thank-you for praying for my surgeries.  I am doing very well!   
  • Carla asks that you pray for her Florida friends that lost so much during the hurricane and are still cleaning up and rebuilding... sadly they miscarried December 11th. They are devastated.  They do have the blessing of family, friends and their sweet little girl who is 1 1/2 years old to help them during this time. I thank our prayer warriors to lift them up in prayer as well. Thank You!
  • URGENT:  There has been a shooting in a Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin.  Please be in prayer for the victims, their families, and the school community.  UPDATE:  Carla's friend Elena's son attends the school that the shooting happened. They were reunited later that day. 
  • URGENT:  Pray for the victims and their families of the terrorist attack in New Orleans.  Pray that the enemies' plans for future attacks will be thwarted, and that God will help Patriot law enforcement who want to protect our country and her citizens.

Other than the grocery store, I haven't been shopping in weeks.
Unfortunately today I have to go out and purchase a few things for art class and upcoming birthdays.

Have a great weekend and week!

Until next time...

Happy New Year!
Ricki Jill