Friday, January 17, 2025

SoulFull Week Two


My rex begonia is blooming!  I broke apart our Christmas living centerpiece and replanted it in a pot that drains.

Happy Friday, Friends!  How has your week been so far?  I've had a strange week because a few things have come-up that I wasn't expecting.  We all have weeks like that, don't we!  My week started out at the doctor's office where I had all my stitches taken out.  Then things started to get a little complicated on Tuesday.  I had to miss out on a few things, but that's okay.  I'm not complaining....I'm just happy that I have the good sense to always write in my planner in pencil and not ink!

The only things I accomplished on my original weekly chore list were feeding and caring for our houseplants and laundry.  But we're expecting the coldest weather of the season next week, and we might have another winter storm.  The timing of the precipitation is unclear at this point, so I'm planning on spending lots of time at home next week (the Good Lord willing).  During last weekend's winter storm we lost power for about four hours.  I hope we don't lose power next week!

What did you think about this week's lesson?  The title is "Finding Eden," and I loved her story about the village in Southwest France where all the cottages are named rather than having house numbers.  Her favorite was named "Eden," and there was a White Scottish Terrier who was the boss around there.  Maybe it was a Westie like my sweet babies.

Finlay after his nap yesterday

At the end of the lesson we are invited to access our personal Edens by praying with beads.  Do you pray with beads?  I know many of y'all are Catholic; do you pray the rosary?  I'm Episcopalian, and we don't pray the rosary, but I do know of people who pray with prayer beads.  I admit that I have not tried it yet, but I want to this weekend.  I did pray Farrell's prayers, and I thought they were so well-written.  My favorite one of the seven is the last one:

"Loving God, I pray that today You would help me live a life that matters, one that increases love in the world and radiates joy."
page 14

Below is this week's Bible verse.

I love this verse!  The Holy Spirit indeed dwells within us.
Jesus promised us the best helper, and he keeps his promises!

Please share your thoughts about this week's lessons in the comments section.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for our military and military families, and the Wisconsin National Guard deployed in Iraq.
  • Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job that uses his talents.
  • Pray for a peaceful inauguration.  I have friends traveling to Washington D.C. for it and a ball.  Please pray travel mercies for those attending the rally, inauguration, and parties/balls.
  • Carla asks that you pray for her Florida friends that lost so much during the hurricane and are still cleaning up and rebuilding... sadly they miscarried December 11th. They are devastated.  They do have the blessing of family, friends and their sweet little girl who is 1 1/2 years old to help them during this time. I thank our prayer warriors to lift them up in prayer as well. Thank You!
  • URGENT:  There has been a shooting in a Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin.  Please be in prayer for the victims, their families, and the school community.  UPDATE:  Carla's friend Elena's son attends the school that the shooting happened. They were reunited later that day. 
  • URGENT:  Pray for the victims and their families of the terrorist attack in New Orleans.  Pray that the enemies' plans for future attacks will be thwarted, and that God will help Patriot law enforcement who want to protect our country and her citizens.
  • URGENT:  Pray for fire victims in Southern California.  
  • With all the terrible things in the news, let's pray for each other's hearts, too.  
  • Pray for Carla's parents as they face health issue, including her father's blood pressure.  Pray for Carla as she travels this week to help them (they live two hours away).

Stay warm, friends!  

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I ordered my book but it has been delayed in shipping, likely due to weather. I can't wait to get into this! I love the concept of Eden. I have more than one rosary, although I don't use it to pray these days. However, our family used to say it together as a ritual, and I do have memories of that (mostly of us little ones nudging each other and giggling while trying to pretend we were serious, lol). I have family members who still pray with their rosaries.
    Ours was a good week with mostly ordinary tasks, although I did begin tax prep work too. We are still under snow and ice from the Jan 6 and 11 storms, and anticipating much the same weather as you next week. I just hope today's temps help melt a lot of snow!
    I hope my book comes soon! I will catch up when it does. Thank you for sharing the gist of our progress so far.

  2. I pray the rosary every morning, Ricki Jill, and used my rosary beads for saying the personal Eden’s. I love the idea of yours of lifting up each other’s hearts.
    We are expecting more frigid temperatures, too. Stay warm, prayer family and have a blessed week.

  3. Hello, my book is here and I am loving it. Yes, I pray the rosary every morning and at times throughout the day if things are troubling me. I enjoyed praying her prayers.
    I too had a week that was topsy turvy ... nothing went as I had planned. My father and mother are having health issues. I will keep you all updated as I know more.
    At this time, my father is in need of getting his blood pressure under control.
    I visited twice this past week, it is a two hour drive for me to visit my parents. This next week I will go one day. Please pray for traveling mercies for me. Thank you.

    And we have a family member, Aunt Rene, going in for surgery on Tuesday.
    Thank you,


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.