Friday, January 10, 2025

SoulFull Week One


Happy Friday, Friends!  We are expecting a snow day today.  It's dark, and I can't really tell what's going on weather-wise this morning.  I hope we have a cold rain and everything clears-up soon!

What did you think about our first week of study?  This week seemed to be a bit of an overview, and Week One focused on building your nest with six Nest-Building Tips.  I hope I can explore all six over the course of the year, but my main focus will be Number 1:  Spend Time in Nature.  Speaking of nature, I enjoyed reading about bald eagles and how they continually build and enlarge their nests.

This week I can't help but think about all the people in Southern California who have lost their "nests" due to the crazy fires and disastrous response to the fires.  It breaks my heart!  I have also been thinking about the Hurricane Helene victims in Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina, as well as the fire victims in Maui.  (I've also been thinking about Carla's friends in Florida.  See prayer requests, below.) I cannot imagine losing everything; these people have to be so courageous to even begin to start over again by rebuilding or, if they can afford it, relocate.  Anyway, my heart and head have been pondering these people.  Will you join me in praying for these areas and the affected people?

Did you do anything to feed your soul this week?  I finished taking down Christmas decor, and the last thing I did was take down the Christmas tree with Shelley's help on Wednesday.  Everything seems so sparse and clean; there is literally nothing on our breakfast room table.  It's almost like having a clean slate for a new year, and that feeds my soul.  I also started a small group study at church yesterday, but unfortunately my book hasn't come in yet.  I ordered it from a local, independent book store, and it should've been in at least a week or two ago.  I felt badly going to class unprepared, but I enjoyed class, and I think it's going to be a lovely study.

What are your thoughts about this lesson?  Is there a particular Nest-Building Tip to Create a Soulfull Life that calls to you?

Here is this week's scripture:

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for our military and military families, and the Wisconsin National Guard deployed in Iraq.
  • Please pray travel mercies for Shelley as she's traveling in Louisiana visiting her cousins and aunt.
  • Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job that uses his talents.
  • Pray for a peaceful and smooth transition of power between now and January 20, 2025.
  • Thank-you for praying for my surgeries.  I am doing very well!  My post-op appointment is Monday.  
  • Carla asks that you pray for her Florida friends that lost so much during the hurricane and are still cleaning up and rebuilding... sadly they miscarried December 11th. They are devastated.  They do have the blessing of family, friends and their sweet little girl who is 1 1/2 years old to help them during this time. I thank our prayer warriors to lift them up in prayer as well. Thank You!
  • URGENT:  There has been a shooting in a Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin.  Please be in prayer for the victims, their families, and the school community.  UPDATE:  Carla's friend Elena's son attends the school that the shooting happened. They were reunited later that day. 
  • URGENT:  Pray for the victims and their families of the terrorist attack in New Orleans.  Pray that the enemies' plans for future attacks will be thwarted, and that God will help Patriot law enforcement who want to protect our country and her citizens.
  • URGENT:  Pray for fire victims in Southern California.  
  • With all the terrible things in the news, let's pray for each other's hearts, too.  

Stay warm this weekend, friends!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I’d like to express my complete joy in this new book!! I loved to prologue and the first chapter so very much. The author is so down to earth and I am so looking forward to each and every week. As for my nest building tip, it’s just creating a warm, cozy home that I love, if only for myself…having a fire at night, candles glowing, and comforting food.
    Prayers for all the requests, dear friends, will be lifted in Jesus name.
    P. S. Can I say again how much I LOVE this book??!!

  2. My book has not come yet... but as far as creating a sweet nest, I love to have comfort foods for my loved ones and friends when they come for a visit. A sweet cookie, tea, ice tea in the summer. As we sit and visit. I have a relaxing area on our deck that over looks our garden in the summer. With pillows on our deck chairs. In my home .. you are welcome to sit in cozy chairs, and watch our bird-feeders. I try to be welcoming and have my guests feel loved.
    Love and prayers,

  3. Good.morning prayer warriors! I am late to the prayer group, but justnirdered my book, looking forward to it!. Since Christmas, we have had covid (10 of 32 gathered at Christmas Eve, in fact). Thankfully, it was mild. I have been reflective on 2024 weather as it relates to the verse from Jeremiah. We've gone from drought to snowbound! Goodness, we are STILL under snow & ice from Blair and Cora storms, hoping we thaw by the wknd of the 17th. My communion with nature has been in shoveling snow. My nesting has been in undecorating Christmas and decorating for Valentine's Day here at home. Cooking, baking are great pastimes when snowbound. Happy New Year to all

  4. I am late to our prayer warrior group. I have not received my book yet but I do follow along. I am with Carla I have been feeding the winter birds that stay here in Illinois. The cardinals are my faves. I enjoy giving them food when it is so hard to find food in these frigid cold temps. I will be catching up. Hugs. Kris


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.