Friday, February 28, 2025

SoulFull Week Eight


As promised, the above is a photo of daffodils on our street.  They are so pretty this year!

Happy Friday, Friends!  How has your week been so far?  Can you believe that this is the last day of February?  

We had the best weekend in New Orleans, and I truly appreciate your travel mercy prayers for us.  

I love the title of this week's lesson: "No Mud, No Lotus."  The title comes from calligraphy art of Thich Nhat Hahn.  You can order some of his art on his site HERE.

The point of this quote is that something beautiful, the lotus flower, emerges out of something not so delightful, mud.  We all experience losses, heartbreak, meanness, and brokenness.  These experiences allow us to appreciate the mountaintop moments, and they strengthen us.

I was particularly moved by this quote from the lesson:

You will discover an inner courage and an expansiveness of your faith in "the pits."  This is rich ground for finding "our people"--those who truly love us and willingly enter the dark and messy to help us resurrect. 
~Page 44

You, Dear Friends, are "my people."

We have all experienced disappointment in fair-weather friends, those who weren't there for us when we needed them most.  Instead of wasting our energy dwelling on them, we should focus on those who were there, who lifted us up.  They are the balcony people in our lives.

Farrell also walks us through a meditation lesson based on her favorite verse for meditation, Psalm 46:10.  Did you try the breathing/meditation?  

I think my biggest obstacle to hearing God is being still.  What about you?

Below is the other scripture from our lesson.

Please share your thoughts about the lesson and any prayer requests you may have in the Comments Section.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for our military securing and protecting our southern border.
  • Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job that uses his talents.
  • Pray for the Americans displaced by the derailment (East Palestine, OH), fires (Maui and California) and Hurricane Helene (East Tennessee and Western North Carolina).  Pray that they will receive the help they need to rebuild.
  • Pray for Kitty's grandson Connor, that he will find a path to follow and good relationships.
  • Pray for our daughter Shanley Belle as her post doc is coming to an end.  She is in the midst of a job search.  Please pray for God's guidance in her next step.
  • Carla is running for Trustee for her local Village Board. The election is April 1st.  Let's be in prayer that Carla can continue to be the change she wants to see in her village.
  • Rita's daughters need our prayers.  One is finishing up her masters this semester, and the other is having an especially hard time balancing work/school/home life. Pray for God's strength, patience and guidance as they each navigate their own course.

I had the last of my doctors' appointments this week.  I am hoping to rest a little and cook produce from our local farmer's market this weekend.  What are your plans?

This is a latte I enjoyed in New Orleans.
Today I'm going on a field trip to a super cool vintage shop and the new Ballard Designs shop in downtown Birmingham with my bestie.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. It's so great to read your weekend went well, and that your appts are over for now. Tell us all about today's fun outing when you can. This week's lesson couldn't ring truer!
    We had false spring this past week, but I took advantage and got outside for several long walks and some winter pruning before spring arrives. I love it!
    Have a great weekend and week to come, everyone. Tomorrow is March - YAY!

  2. I loved this week’s lesson and thought to myself, how through sufferings we still find joy. I did the breathing technique and I’m going to do that when I wake up in the middle of the night.
    I’m happy that you had a great weekend and hopefully this one will be also.
    Prayers for all of you, “my people”, also. 🙏🏻

  3. So happy you had a wonderful time on your trip. The lesson kind of goes along with winter being dark and messy to Spring with rebirth and beauty to arise of of the deadness. I am beginning to walk and it is so nice to be out in the fresh air. We have a was to go here in Chicago but it is looking up. Have a great weekend. Hugs. Kris

  4. Hello, I am so happy you had a good trip... and I am praying for you to have a great new week.
    And I am praying for all our Warriors... love to all. Carla


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.