Monday, August 5, 2024

One Thousand Gifts: Monday, Week Fifty-Two


Happy Monday, Friends!  How was your weekend?  Trip and I went to the lake by ourselves and slept in every morning.  It was lovely!  The weather was nice, too:  It didn't rain, storm, and it wasn't too hot.  

Speaking of storms, this week's lesson is entitled "storm grace," just as Hurricane Debby is headed to Florida and the Southeast.  I have not read it yet, but I plan on reading it as soon as this post is live.  

This week's scripture:

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for Rita's best friend from grade school - high school whose husband and love of her life passed away on 7/31. He was just 68.
  • Carla's son Sam has friends who will be deploying to Iraq. Please be in prayer for our military... this is a Wisconsin National Guard unit that is deploying to Iraq.  Sam is not deploying, but he has friends in this unit.
  • Kris's husband Terry is in the hospital with an intestinal blockage.  Please pray for a speedy and complete recovery before they move in a couple of weeks.
  • Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry.  Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends.  Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
  • Rita is asking for prayers for a sister of hers who lives alone, geographically far from family. She is in a crisis with her children turning their backs on her in a time of most need. Rita and her siblings are having to find a way to navigate through the messiness of it all and determine how they can help her. She is not in great health either.  Please pray that God will share his wisdom with them as how to help the situation.
  • Kris and her husband Terry found and purchased a darling new townhome close to family and friends.  She and Terry will be updating it in the coming months.  However, they need to sell their condo where they currently live.  Let's pray that God will send the perfect buyer quickly!  Also pray that their move will go as smoothly as possible!
  • Please pray for our military and military families.
  • Pray for Christian leadership in our country.  Also pray that God will turn our hearts to him, and he will lavishly bless us with his steadfast love.
  • Please pray for me the next couple of weeks as I will be getting my six month scans and going to my six month appointments to my medical oncologist and radiology oncologist.  Please pray that all my testing will be negative for cancer, and that my other bloodwork is healthy.

I'm off to make a pot of coffee once I decide what kind to brew., and then I'll read our lesson.  
What are you drinking today?  Are you as addicted to caffeine as I am?  ;P

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I am praying for your six month results to be negative, Ricki Jill! I feel unsettled today, and will spend a good deal of time in prayer. As if my sister isn't in a bad enough situation, she is in an area of SC where the rain threat from Debby is 18-24". Please pray this storm moves faster rather than slower, or stalling.

  2. Praying for you all Happy Warriors.
    May we continue to spread JOY in a very dark world.
    Love, Carla

  3. I always pray for you, Ricki Jill, but will fervently be praying to keep you calm with all this testing that is coming up.
    I’ll also be praying for our other prayer warriors and their special requests. God bless everyone.

  4. Prayers for all but especially will lift you in prayer that the upcoming tests will give good results. Praying for all of those in the path of Debby may she not take lives and cause major destruction in her path. Have a good week. Hugs. Kris

  5. Hello ... Praying for you all.
    I just wanted to reach out and say ... our son Sam has friends who will be deploying to Iraq. Please be in prayer for our military... this is a Wisconsin National Guard unit that is deploying to Iraq. Our son is not deploying... he has friends in this unit.
    Thank you, Carla


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.