Monday, April 3, 2023

TLWS: Monday, Week Thirty-Six


This week we'll read Jesus's prayer in John 17.

Hello, Friends!  I hope you had a blessed Palm Sunday, and this Holy Week finds you full of peace and joy.

I confess I have not read this week's reflection yet other than its title:  "More Ways Than One To Be a Mom."  

Thank-you for all your prayer requests and prayers!  I will keep them as is until y'all tell me differently.

Prayer Requests

  • From Rita: I must continue to ask prayer for various family members - the aged with chronic health issues, members with short-term health needs for healing, and for the grandbaby, whose necessary daycare is literally a petri dish for ongoing viruses. Lord, with your help I pray each one of my loved ones - and their caretakers - can cope and conquer these matters and enjoy a healthy, new season.
  • From Kitty:  Pray for family unity and her son's job search.  
  • From Carla:  Pray for Sam and the 157th.  Pray for all our military families.
  • From Rita: Please pray for the Nashville Christian school, where 3 children and 2 teachers were shot and killed this week - dear God, please comfort that community and protect them from evil. Please help us all realize how much we need You in our lives.
  • Carla asks for continued prayer for our military all around the world. For our leaders to make wise decisions and to not use our military for a 'war game'.  Also, pray for the power of TRUTH to reach the hearts of those hurting, lost, and confused.
  • Please pray for my health.  I'm having asthma and allergy related issues.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill



  1. Have a wonderful new week, Ricki Jill.

  2. Prayers for all of you. Wishing you a wonderful Easter week and beautiful day on Easter. Hope your allergies get a little better. Big hugs. Kris


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.