Friday, August 25, 2023

One Thousand Gifts: Friday, Week Four


Happy Friday, Friends!

Did you enjoy this week's devotion?  Last week's focus was on how the lack of doxology leads to depravity;  this week Ann focuses on the highest form of thinking, which is THANKING.  God is so good!  He's deserving of our thanks at all times.

For prayer requests today, I'd like to start over with updates from y'all.  Please update your requests in comments, and stop by during the weekend to pray for your friends.  Whatever is in comments will be our list for Monday.  Thank-you!

Pumpkin spice is back (@ Starbucks).
Thank goodness I can get a cold brew with pumpkin spice foam in this heat!

When it's hot, do you still drink your coffee hot, or do you prefer it iced?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I drink my coffee hot, always! Have a great weekend. My prayer is that our country will have strong leadership emerge, and that this continual turbulence of hatred will abate before our democracy is further threatened.

  2. ps, Just a little oversight, but the title today says week one, but it's week four.

  3. I have to ditto Rita. Let's hope we can find a good leader to turn this country around. I pray everyday that my sweet grand daughters will have a good world to grow up in and be able to become good women in adult life. Tomorrow is my daughter Kim's baby shower. Excited for her and only 6 more weeks till baby comes. What will it be boy or girl. We will soon know. Have a great weekend. Hugs. Kris

  4. I have to agree with Rita and Kris... my heart aches for this nation of ours. As we all have children and grandchildren that we want to see live in a loving, prosperous nation like we once had. No never had it been perfect, but I have not seen such division in my lifetime. It breaks my heart.

  5. I agree with Rita, Kris and I know you do, too, Ricki Jill, on the fate of our country. Let’s lift our country in prayer.
    I give thanks today that my grandson, Connor’s, life was spared on this day of remembering those 13 in Afghanistan who were killed in the horrible debacle. I remember their families as they grieve forever for their loved ones.
    Please pray for my DIL, Julie, that her heart will change, for SIL, Eric, that he will see some relief for his cervical dystonia, and for my son, Mike, that he will get a job.
    Thank you dear friends, in Jesus’ name we pray.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.