Monday, August 28, 2023

One Thousand Gifts: Monday, Week Five

My bestie was recently in the mountains of Georgia, and she sent me beautiful photos of flowers and gardens.  I'm sharing the red ones with y'all today!


Happy Monday, Friends!  How was your weekend?  I hope you had a relaxing one.  I think I have all of our prayer requests straight now.  Let me know if I've left anything out!

I LOVE this week's devotion because I learned things I didn't know about the Greek word Eucharisteo, which means thanksgiving in Greek.  But the root words within this word?  Mind blowing, I tell ya!  

Our scripture for this week:

The entire verse is:

And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”
~Luke 22:19

Prayer Requests

  • Rita's prayer is that "our country will have strong leadership emerge, and that this continual turbulence of hatred will abate before our democracy is further threatened."
  • Kris agrees with Rita, and she adds that let's hope we can find a good leader to turn this country around. "I pray everyday that my sweet grand daughters will have a good world to grow up in and be able to become good women in adult life."
  • Carla agrees with both Kris and Rita: "My heart aches for this nation of ours. As we all have children and grandchildren that we want to see live in a loving, prosperous nation like we once had. No never had it been perfect, but I have not seen such division in my lifetime. It breaks my heart."
  • Kitty is also praying for our country.  She says,  "I give thanks today that my grandson, Connor’s, life was spared on this day of remembering those 13 in Afghanistan who were killed in the horrible debacle. I remember their families as they grieve forever for their loved ones.  Please pray for my DIL, Julie, that her heart will change, for SIL, Eric, that he will see some relief for his cervical dystonia, and for my son, Mike, that he will get a job.  Thank you dear friends, in Jesus’ name we pray."
  • I would like to add to particularly pray for the people suffering in Maui.  Our government cares more for Ukraine than Americans.  It makes me angry and breaks my heart!  Pray that sin will find NO PLACE TO HIDE in our government, and that the truth will be known to all Americans.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Good morning sweet prayer warriors. I agree RJ our government needs to look at its own people like Maui and give and help them. Quit putting money into a war that we should not be in. I feel for those people in Ukraine but we have our own crisis's here in the US that we need to take a hold of and help. Prayers for all of you. My daughter's baby shower was a success. The day could not have gone better and she got some lovely gifts for that sweet baby that will be here soon. Only 6 more weeks for that sweet miracle to arrive. It is exciting it will be a surprise to all of us including the new mom and dad of what sex the baby will be. Prayers she continues on this pregnancy journey for the next 6 weeks in good health and that her delivery will go well. Myself and my other daughter had lots of complications with the births so I am praying Kim does not have those. So far everything is looking good. Also thank you for the prayers for little granddad Snickers she is able to walk and stand. She still is having some paralyzes on her left side but she does not need the wheel chair and can continue to walk on her own. She is very unsteady and "drunk" walks but that is more improvement than we thought possible without surgery. So thanks everyone for all your prayers and please know I am praying for all of your requests too. Hugs. Kris

  2. Praying for all the requests. Holding Kitty's family tight in prayer. I know the Afghanistan debacle is very RAW in the military!!!

    Love and prayers to all my Warriors.

  3. I was also surprised at the meanings of words within Eucharist!
    Wow, each of our prayers, in unison. And yesterday we met with friends at the end of their 8 weeks travels across the country and back, and we prayed for our nation before our meal.
    It was a very dark day when our troops were recklessly pulled from Afghanistan on this date, and I pray Connor's soul will be fully restored after witnessing the horrors first-hand.

  4. Thank you sweet prayer warriors for remembering Connor who was spared and honoring those whose lives were lost in that horrible debacle. I listened to a Gold Star Father just today and those parents feel so forgotten about by this administration. I hope Connor will recover from the horrors that he saw and the way that they were treated.
    Prayers continue for all of you each day.
    I loved this week’s lesson on the Eucharist, and how the word was broken down.
    God bless each of you and may your week be filled with grace.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.