Friday, November 24, 2023

One Thousand Gifts: Friday, Week Seventeen


The Christmas Season is almost here!

Happy Black Friday, Friends.  Do y'all participate in all the Black Friday madness?  Our daughters want to go to three shops this morning while Christopher is on call, then we'll drive over to Frankenmuth, Michigan, and check-out their Christmas activities.

This year is unique in that Advent begins in December:  There are four Sundays in December before Christmas!

This week's devotion was not what I thought it was going to be about.  Entitled "all here grace," it's about being in the present, in the here and now where we can love God.  I thought it was sweet, and it was applicable to the beginning of the holiday season where so many distractions compete for our time with God.

What did you think about it?  Are you enjoying this devotional?

This week's scripture:

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Kitty's DIL, Julie, that her heart will change; for SIL, Eric, that he will see some relief for his cervical dystonia; and for her son, Mike, that he will get a job.
  • Pray that God will place hedges of protection around all family members of every reader of this blog.  I feel like we are under attack.
  • Please pray for Kris as she has a very nasty case of COVID.  Pray that she can get relief from her coughing, and that she can get healing rest.  Also pray that God will comfort and heal her immediately!
  • Please pray for me because my heart rate has been dropping very low, and my doctor has ordered me to wear a monitor for two weeks.  
  • Pray for Carla's family and my family as we will be traveling this week.
  • Also pray for Rita's daughters in travel mercy prayer, and her other family members who are traveling for this holiday week.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Happy FriYay! I did enjoy this week's devotion, and have a daily word I read each that fit hand-in-glove with the message of all here grace.
    I love that advent is wholly in December. I am enjoying a slower pace for Christmas preparations at home, I think because Thanksgiving was earlier.
    I will be out and about this weekend, primarily in shopping small businesses. Enjoy, everyone. I am anxiously anticipating Kitty's visit to our group today! She has good news, but I don't know what yet!

  2. Good morning dear prayer family! I do indeed have good news and praise to Our Father as Julie came to Molly’s house for Thanksgiving!!!!!! Julie actually had reached out to Molly several weeks ago, they met twice, and she did not want to discuss anything from the past, but just move one. I can’t tell you what true joy this is for all of us. Thank you, dear friends, for traveling this journey with me and praying, praying, and praying. The Holy Spirit was working hard and our family can now be whole again, after eight years.
    I will continue to pray for all of you. May God bless each of you and your families.

    1. Kitty!! Oh my, our God is SO good! Tears of joy, my friend!

  3. I am so thankful to read Kitty's comments!!!!


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.