Monday, November 20, 2023

One Thousand Gifts: Monday, Week Seventeen


Happy Thanksgiving Week!  I hope you have plans with family and friends.  I have a fun question:  What is your favorite kind of Thanksgiving pie?  Mine is pecan!

This week's devotion is entitled "all-here grace."  That sounds like a great title for Thanksgiving week, doesn't it!  I haven't read it yet, but I am very thankful to have an "all-here" Thanksgiving holiday planned!

Here is this week's scripture:

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Kitty's DIL, Julie, that her heart will change; for SIL, Eric, that he will see some relief for his cervical dystonia; and for her son, Mike, that he will get a job.
  • Praise!  Trip made it home from Minnesota, and he had a great week.
  • Pray that God will place hedges of protection around all family members of every reader of this blog.  I feel like we are under attack.
  • Please pray for Kris as she has a very nasty case of COVID.  Pray that she can get relief from her coughing, and that she can get healing rest.  Also pray that God will comfort and heal her immediately!
  • Please pray for me because my heart rate has been dropping very low, and my doctor has ordered me to wear a monitor for two weeks.  
  • Pray for Carla's family and my family as we will be traveling this week.
  • Also pray for Rita's daughters in travel mercy prayer, and her other family members who are traveling for this holiday week.

Now I'm off to make myself a PSL and read the devotion!

Have a very blessed week, Friends!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I'll keep all the prayers at heart. Please add my daughters in travel mercy prayer, and other family members who I know are traveling for this holiday week.
    I like pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving! The real question is, how do you say pecan? Pee-cahn? Puh-cahn? Pee-can? Lol.

  2. My favorite pie during Thanksgiving is pumpkin. :-)
    My favorite pie of all time is rhubarb.

    Praying for all the requests.
    How are you feeling?

  3. P.S. loved Rita asking how do you say pecan. Hee Hee.. Pee-cahn is this Wisconsinite's way of saying pecan. ;-) My husband says the same. And pecan is his FAVORITE pie.

  4. Good Morning prayer warriors. Thanks for all the sweet and kind prayers. Feeling a lot better. I saw on the news how this new strain of Covid is the worst so far and so many going into the hospital. I have to say in all the years I have never been so sick as I was with this strain. Being a nurse for so many years I usually have a good immunity to things and I do get the immunizations but this really was bad. Happy I am doing better. God is good. Happy Thanksgiving to all the prayer warriors. Hugs. Kris


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.