Friday, June 21, 2024

One Thousand Gifts: Friday, Week Forty-Five


Happy Friday, Sweet Friends!

How has your week been so far?  I've been cooking up a storm for most if the week.  I'm giving myself a break from the kitchen this weekend and eating mostly leftover vegetables and easy to assemble salads.

This week's devo is entitled "joyous grace."  When I was writing Monday's post, I thought that the title sounded good, that it must be a happy one.  Although it wasn't exactly tragic, it wasn't "joyous" either.  One of the longer devotions, I had to read this one multiple times to get the gist of it.  As mothers we can all relate when our peaceful day is disrupted by our children's shenanigans.  It really is all about our response during these times, isn't it!  I was surprised that she didn't share 1 Thessalonians 5:18, but then she does share it in the prayer/journaling part:

As always, I'd love to read your thoughts, and be sure to add any new prayer requests or updates.  Below are the other Bible verses from this week's lesson.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for Kris as she is hosting her GF party this weekend.  I've seen a little of her preparation on her blog, and it is going to be so, so cute.  Pray that they will get a break with the heat because the party room isn't air conditioned.  Pray that they will all have a wonderful time together!
  • Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry.  Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends.  Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
  • Please continue to pray for our military and military families.
  • Continue to pray for Carla's son Sam and the 157th!  Sam is in Louisiana training.  Continue to pray for his safety, and a safe return home on June 30th. 
  • It looks like John has been accepted as a patient at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.  It could be up to 12 weeks before he is admitted.  He has seen several specialists in the last 3 or 4 years.  Diana says if they don't get any answers there, they are pretty much out of options as far as improvement in his quality of life.  Let's pray for a speedy admittance and answers!
  • Pray for Diane at the Lavender Dreams blog.  She has been unable to go on her many hikes, and is having to stay indoors due to a hurt foot.  Pray for a speedy recovery, and a resumption of her outdoor activities.
  • Please pray for travel mercies for Trip this weekend as he's in Austin for a company business meeting.  He will be returning home Sunday afternoon.
  • URGENT:  Please pray for Rita's childhood friend's daughter-in-law (Jennifer Price) who was diagnosed with breast cancer in early May. She has triple negative invasive ductal carcinoma and will begin 20 weeks strong chemo June 27 (tumor was removed already). Her husband, Rita's girlfriend's son, died in a lake boating accident 4 years ago this month. Their daughter Emmy is 10, and witnessed her Daddy's death from the boat they were in at that time (he fell out with an apparent heart attack, and didn't come back up).
  • Rita's ballerina friend Suzanne has ovarian cancer. Her tumor was removed mid-March, and she has completed 3 of 6 chemo treatments. They reduced her amount as she got a fierce case of neuropathy in addition to her nausea. She has a very positive mindset through it all, but is single, without a large network.  We can be a virtual network for her via prayer!  

Have a wonderful weekend, Friends!  Stay caffeinated and hydrated!  

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Ricki Jill, after so many devos, I'm really finding it hard to stay with Ann in this book. I'll be glad when we finish it. I hope we can find a real gem for next year. Who picked this one anyway???! 🥴😉
    Thank you for the updates on all our prayer requests. I also have a ballerina friend to add to the list. Suzanne has ovarian cancer. Her tumor was removed mid-March, and she has completed 3 of 6 chemo treatments. They reduced her amount as she got a fierce case of neuropathy in addition to her nausea. She has a very positive mindset through it all, but is single, without a large network.
    Have a great weekend. I'll be staying mostly indoors, too HOT!

  2. Hello, praying for all the requests.

    Sam is out of THE BOX ... after 16 days of not having a shower, that was what he enjoyed first and foremost and medicating all his bug bites.
    Thank you again for the prayers.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.