Monday, June 3, 2024

One Thousand Gifts: Monday, Week Forty-Three


Happy Monday, Friends!  I hope you're having a lovely start to your week.  Last week was a wee bit challenging with Memorial Day on Monday, plus we were also busy with activities during the rest of the week.  I couldn't seem to get caught-up!  

Can you believe it's already June?  This year is flying by, isn't it!  I am so happy to report that this is the first month in years I haven't had a doctor's appointment.  Alleluia!  

This week's lesson is entitled "endless grace."  I'm hoping to read it this afternoon because my morning will be filled with errands.

Here is this week's scripture:

Prayer Requests

  • Rita asks for us to pray for her younger daughter's relationship struggles, and that she will listen to God's spirit within to make the right decisions.
  • Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry.  Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends.  Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
  • Please continue to pray for our military and military families.
  • Continue to pray for Carla's son Sam and the 157th!  Sam is in Louisiana training.  
  • Please continue to pray for Shanley Belle and Christopher.  
  • Pray for Nana Diana's husband, John.  He is being admitted into Mayo Clinic, and we need to pray for discernment and guidance for his medical team.
  • Praise to God for allowing us to live during this time in the greatest Republic the world has ever known.  
  • Kitty asks for us to pray for travel mercies for her and her whole family before and during their vacation to Cancun on June 9th-13th.  

I hope I can get my errands run this morning and get them out of the way!
Have a productive week, and let your little light shine! 

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Praying for all the requests.
    Love, Carla

  2. Keeping prayers going for all. Hugs. Kris

  3. Yay for no appointments in June! I still feel behind with the start of this week, mostly because I spent last week ending going to an estate sale multiple times, each time being discounted further. I was at the booths this morning, so I hope to read this week's devotion this afternoon, but will give thoughtful prayer to all our petitions now.
    (I wrote this comment earlier today, but I think I backed out before I released it for publish!).

  4. How wonderful not to have any doctor appointments, Ricki Jill. That is a blessing in itself.
    Thank you for including my prayer requests, and I’ll be praying for all. Love and God bless.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.