Happy Monday, Friends! How was your weekend? What did you do? Ours was a wash-out....literally. It rained so much that many Birmingham suburbs flooded. I feel so badly for the people whose homes flooded. We live on a mountain, so we were fine. However, the rain kept us indoors, but we did get a lot of work done.
This week's lesson is entitled "re-membering grace." This week's scripture is below.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry. Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends. Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
- Rita is asking for prayers for a sister of hers who lives alone, geographically far from family. She is in a crisis with her children turning their backs on her in a time of most need. Rita and her siblings are having to find a way to navigate through the messiness of it all and determine how they can help her. She is not in great health either. Please pray that God will share his wisdom with them as how to help the situation.
- Kris and her husband Terry found and purchased a darling new townhome close to family and friends. She and Terry will be updating it in the coming months. However, they need to sell their condo where they currently live. Let's pray that God will send the perfect buyer quickly!
- Please pray for our military and military families.
- Pray for Christian leadership in our country. Also pray that God will turn our hearts to him, and he will lavishly bless us with his steadfast love.
I hope you have a great week. I'm getting off the computer, making a cappuccino, and planning my week. After that, Ill rad this week's lesson.
Hopefully I'll be able to get some gardening in this week!
Until next time...
Ricki Jill
Ricki Jill
Happy Friday, My Lovelies! We are still in this rainy/stormy weather pattern. I haven't been able to garden in at least three weeks, and everything outside is very green, including our hardscaping. Moss is everywhere! Yesterday was such a bad day that a tree fell across the street in front of Shelley and me, and the power lines supported it until they started breaking and catching on fire. We had to change our route, and I ended up with two flat tires. What a day!
Needless to say, I'm staying home today while my car is in the shop, and I'll attempt to get chores and other projects done. I'm sad, though, that I'll miss my art class!
This week's lesson is entitled "strained grace." I like that Ann related this lesson to music, and that so much in our world is composed of vibrations. "Music is made in stress." She also relates a stressful, strained situation with her husband. This one is deep, and I did enjoy it. What are your thoughts?
Here is our scripture for the week:
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for our youngest daughter, Shelley. She is hurting right now due to a situation at work (one of her best friends is quitting because of it).
- Please pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 for our country. I truly believe in the power of praying scripture! Also pray for the safety of our leaders, President Trump, and their families.
- Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry. Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends. Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
- Kris and her husband Terry found and purchased a darling new townhome close to family and friends. She and Terry will be updating it in the coming months. However, they need to sell their condo where they currently live. Let's pray that God will send the perfect buyer quickly!
- Please pray for our military and military families.
- Rita has a praise about for her girlfriend Nancy. She's out of the hospital and recovering at home. She adopted her two granddaughters (now 12 and 10) 3 yrs ago when her daughter died. Please pray she recovers fully and that her clots in her lungs will be absorbed.
- Trip tested positive for Lynch Syndrome. Shelley needs to be tested, but she is hesitant. Please pray that she will be negative.
Happy Monday, Friends! How was your weekend? We got lots of rain, so we decided not to go to the lake. Instead we worked on converting a room in our basement into a media room. Our house has tons of windows, so when it's sunny it's difficult to see our TV sometimes. I think the windowless basement room will be cozy for watching baseball, football, and Christmas movies.
This week's lesson is entitled "strained grace," and I really liked it. I will probably read it several more times during the week because this one is about music, stress, and strained relationships. It's a good one, and there's a lot to absorb.
This week's scripture is from the seventh Psalm.
It seems that the consensus is to finish One Thousand Gifts, which is fine with me. I heard from everyone but Kris, but she's on vacation. We will finish the book the week of September 30-October 6. On Monday, October 7th, we will begin a new book. Rita has suggested Jesus Listens for Advent and Christmas. We can be like the Hallmark Channel and start our Countdown to Christmas early. It might not be a bad idea this year! We can start with a new devotional January 1, 2025. What do y'all think?
I can divide the book into weekly segments. I can post the reading schedule on a special page here on the blog. That might be the easiest for all of us to keep-up with the weekly reading. I think it will average around 12-18 pages per week, depending on the illustrations, etc.
How does this sound to y'all?
Prayer Requests
- Please pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 for our country. I truly believe in the power of praying scripture! Also pray for the safety of our leaders, President Trump, and their families.
- Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry. Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends. Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
- Kris and her husband Terry found and purchased a darling new townhome close to family and friends. She and Terry will be updating it in the coming months. However, they need to sell their condo where they currently live. Let's pray that God will send the perfect buyer quickly!
- Also, Kris and Terry are on vacation, so pray travel mercies for them.
- Please pray for our military and military families.
- Rita has a praise about for her girlfriend Nancy. She's out of the hospital and recovering at home. She adopted her two granddaughters (now 12 and 10) 3 yrs ago when her daughter died. Please pray she recovers fully and that her clots in her lungs will be absorbed.
- Trip tested positive for Lynch Syndrome. Shelley needs to be tested, but she is hesitant. Please pray that she will be negative.
I'm painting our media room today. I need caffeine and stamina!
What are your plans for the week?
Until next time...
Ricki Jill
Ricki Jill
Happy Friday, Friends! Wow, it has been a week, hasn't it!
In the past, we have started a new devotional as the new school year begins during the first week of August. We have another eleven weeks left in this book, and I wanted to ask y'all what you want to do. Do you want to move on to a different devotional, or do you want to finish this one at the beginning of October and maybe complete a short devotion, and begin anew in January? What do you think? I'm open to anything. Please think about it and let me know by Monday so we can make plans (or not).
This week's lesson is entitled "dark grace." I can't imagine what Ann went through as Levi required surgery for a tumor. She had to have been in a dark place, and yet she was able to remain in joy. When darkness attempts to encroach on our lives is when we are challenged to live fully via God's word.
Here is this week's scripture:
- Please pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 for our country. I truly believe in the power of praying scripture! Also pray for the safety of our leaders, President Trump, and their families.
- Pray for revival in this country!
- Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry. Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends. Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
- Kris and her husband Terry found and purchased a darling new townhome close to family and friends. She and Terry will be updating it in the coming months. However, they need to sell their condo where they currently live. Let's pray that God will send the perfect buyer quickly!
- Also, Kris and Terry are on vacation, so pray travel mercies for them.
- Please pray for our military and military families.
- Praise: Kitty's daughter Molly and SIL Eric found a house!
- Rita has a requests for her girlfriend (Nancy) who is in hospital with lung and leg blood clots. She adopted her two granddaughters (now 12 and 10) 3 yrs ago when her daughter died. Please pray she recovers fully.
- Trip tested positive for Lynch Syndrome. Shelley will be tested next. Please pray that she will be negative.
Have a wonderful weekend, Friends! We are expecting thundershowers all weekend, so we're planning on cleaning out the basement. :D
Until next time...
Ricki Jill
Ricki Jill
Happy Monday, Friends!
It's interesting that this week's deco is entitled "dark grace."
I've had my fill of darkness. Clearly I haven't read this week's lesson yet, and sometimes the titles are misleading concerning the content.
This weekend was very dark, indeed. I have not been able to sleep because of the attempted assassination of President Trump. My heart breaks for the victims, their families, and all the other witnesses of the evil attack.
We need to lift up President Trump in our prayers. We also need to pray for President Biden and our other leaders because this weekend showed the incompetence of the Secret Service to protect our politicians and leaders.
Here is this week's scripture:
Prayer Requests
- Please pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 for our country. I truly believe in the power of praying scripture! Also pray for the safety of our leaders, President Trump, and their families.
- Pray for revival in this country!
- Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry. Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends. Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
- Kris and her husband Terry found and purchased a darling new townhome close to family and friends. She and Terry will be updating it in the coming months. However, they need to sell their condo where they currently live. Let's pray that God will send the perfect buyer quickly!
- Also, Kris and Terry are on vacation, so pray travel mercies for them.
- Please pray for our military and military families.
- Carla has a prayer request: Her boys recently moved into a duplex. Praying that they are settling in, and to remember all the things to change over when moving. ;-)
- Kitty's daughter Molly and SIL Eric have sold their house, and they need to find a house fast (they have two weeks to move out). Pray that God will guide them to the best home for them.
- Rita has a requests for her girlfriend (Nancy) who is in hospital with lung and leg blood clots. She adopted her two granddaughters (now 12 and 10) 3 yrs ago when her daughter died. Please pray she recovers fully.
*I'm afraid that I've missed a request. Please let me know if I did because I'm sleep deprived!
Also, I'm noticing a moving theme with our families. Moving is so stressful, so I'm praying for everyone, that God will help those who are moving.
Happy Friday, Friends!
It has been a busy week for me. I have a ZOOM meeting in a couple of hours, and I've also had several appointments and a class this week, not to mention all the chores and laundry from last week's vacation. Whew! Thankfully, we don't have any plans for the weekend, and I'm happy about that. What about you? Has it been a busy week?
This week's devotion is entitled "full bodied grace." This one was truly apropos because I have been waiting on a lot of people the past couple of weeks. Isn't it amazing how often times we read a devotion, or even scripture, and it applies to a specific situation or circumstance in our lives? Ann's prayer was very sweet for this one, too. Below is a favorite quote:
Passionately serving Christ alone makes us the loving servant to all...the work becomes worship, a liturgy of thankfulness.One Thousand Gifts Devotional by Ann Voskamp, p. 162
Here is this week's scripture:
- Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry. Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends. Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
- Kris and her husband Terry found and purchased a darling new townhome close to family and friends. She and Terry will be updating it in the coming months. However, they need to sell their condo where they currently live. Let's pray that God will send the perfect buyer quickly!
- Pray fervently that God will intercede in our country.
- Please pray for our military and military families.
- Carla has a prayer request: Her boys are moving to a duplex. Praying for moving to go well. And to remember all the things to change over when moving. ;-)
- Kitty's daughter Molly and SIL Eric have sold their house, and they need to find a house fast (they have two weeks to move out). Pray that God will guide them to the best home for them.
Happy Monday, Friends! How was your Independence Day Holiday??? We were blessed to have the whole family together at Lake Martin: My heart is full! It was hot, so we spent tons of time in the water and eating delicious food. Due to the heat, we only grilled one day, but that's okay.
What did y'all do? How did you celebrate?
This weeks devo is entitled "full-bodied grace." I have no clue what it's about: I haven't read it yet. I'll try to read it later this morning, but I have HUGE amounts of laundry. I think we messed-up every towel we have! Plus, I have lots of bed linens and clothing to wash, dry, iron, and fold. The work is worth it, though, to have everyone together. Also, yesterday was our youngest daughter's birthday, so if you wouldn't mind, say a little birthday prayer for Shelley!
This week's scripture is John 13:12 and 14. I already had a graphic for John 13:14-15, so I made another one for John 13:12. ;p
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....and... |
Prayer Requests
- Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry. Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends. Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
- Kris and her husband Terry found and purchased a darling new townhome close to family and friends. She and Terry will be updating it in the coming months. However, they need to sell their condo where they currently live. Let's pray that God will send the perfect buyer quickly!
- Pray fervently that God will intercede in our country.
- Please pray for our military and military families.
- Carla has a prayer request: Her boys are moving to a duplex. Praying for moving to go well. And to remember all the things to change over when moving. ;-)
Until next time...
Ricki Jill
Ricki Jill
Happy Friday, Friends! I hope you are enjoying your long Independence Day Weekend!
I think I mentioned on Monday that I like this devotion a lot. What I like about it is the imagery of a family sitting around reading faith-based books. I also like the image of Ann's son holding his Bible in front of him "like a shield." This is my favorite quote from the lesson:
How will this planet change if God's people do not become its change?
Here is this week's scripture:
Prayer Requests
- Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry. Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends. Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
- Please pray for our military and military families.
- Shanley Belle and Christopher will be going home to Michigan Sunday. Please pray for travel mercies for them.
- Pray fervently that God will intercede in our country.
Today is definitely a day for iced coffee!
Until next time...
Ricki Jill
Happy Independence Day, Friends! How will you be celebrating this week? I'll be celebrating with friends and family. I'm looking forward to it!
This week's devotional is entitled "shielding grace." I really loved this week's lesson, and I hope you do, too. :D
Below is this week's scripture:
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry. Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends. Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
- Please pray for our military and military families.
- Shanley Belle and Christopher are coming home this week. Please pray for travel mercies for them.
- Pray fervently that God will intercede in our country.
Have a blessed Independence Day!
Until next time...
Ricki Jill
Ricki Jill
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