Friday, July 12, 2024

One Thousand Gifts: Friday, Week Forty-Eight


Happy Friday, Friends!  

It has been a busy week for me.  I have a ZOOM meeting in a couple of hours, and I've also had several appointments and a class this week, not to mention all the chores and laundry from last week's vacation.  Whew!  Thankfully, we don't have any plans for the weekend, and I'm happy about that.  What about you?  Has it been a busy week?

This week's devotion is entitled "full bodied grace."  This one was truly apropos because I have been waiting on a lot of people the past couple of weeks.  Isn't it amazing how often times we read a devotion, or even scripture, and it applies to a specific situation or circumstance in our lives?  Ann's prayer was very sweet for this one, too.  Below is a favorite quote:

Passionately serving Christ alone makes us the loving servant to all...the work becomes worship, a liturgy of thankfulness.

One Thousand Gifts Devotional by Ann Voskamp, p. 162

Here is this week's scripture:

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry.  Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends.  Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
  • Kris and her husband Terry found and purchased a darling new townhome close to family and friends.  She and Terry will be updating it in the coming months.  However, they need to sell their condo where they currently live.  Let's pray that God will send the perfect buyer quickly!
  • Pray fervently that God will intercede in our country.
  • Please pray for our military and military families.
  • Carla has a prayer request:  Her boys are moving to a duplex. Praying for moving to go well. And to remember all the things to change over when moving. ;-)
  • Kitty's daughter Molly and SIL Eric have sold their house, and they need to find a house fast (they have two weeks to move out).  Pray that God will guide them to the best home for them.

Have a lovely weekend, Friends!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Oh my goodness, all the moving! Adding to all that, I have been helping a girlfriend all week pack and move. Praying everyone will be able to settle unto new and wonderful homes, and that they are blessed.
    Please pray for a gf of mine (Nancy). She was taken to hospital yesterday and has blood clots in each lungs and dvt in her leg. It was provoked from long distance travel. This is the friend who is currently raising 2 granddaughters (12 and 10) since 2021, when her daughter died.
    Thankbyou, an hope everyone has a good weekend.

  2. Oh dear, prayers for all and for Rita’s friend, Nancy. It must be difficult for her to be raising her granddaughters and now this. God bless her and each of you.

  3. Thank you for the prayers. The big moving is done. Now we are hanging shelving and photos and such. :-) Organizing.
    Thank YOU!!
    Praying for all the above requests.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.