Monday, July 15, 2024

One Thousand Gifts: Monday, Week Forty-Nine


Happy Monday, Friends!

It's interesting that this week's deco is entitled "dark grace."  


I've had my fill of darkness.  Clearly I haven't read this week's lesson yet, and sometimes the titles are misleading concerning the content.

This weekend was very dark, indeed.  I have not been able to sleep because of the attempted assassination of President Trump.  My heart breaks for the victims, their families, and all the other witnesses of the evil attack.  

We need to lift up President Trump in our prayers.  We also need to pray for President Biden and our other leaders because this weekend showed the incompetence of the Secret Service to protect our politicians and leaders.  

Here is this week's scripture:

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 for our country.  I truly believe in the power of praying scripture!  Also pray for the safety of our leaders, President Trump, and their families.
  • Pray for revival in this country!  
  • Pray for Kitty's son Mike to get a job. AI has taken away many jobs in his industry.  Mike might have the opportunity to redo a game with a friends.  Let's pray that this works out for him, and it will lead to more opportunities.
  • Kris and her husband Terry found and purchased a darling new townhome close to family and friends.  She and Terry will be updating it in the coming months.  However, they need to sell their condo where they currently live.  Let's pray that God will send the perfect buyer quickly!
  • Also, Kris and Terry are on vacation, so pray travel mercies for them.
  • Please pray for our military and military families.
  • Carla has a prayer request:  Her boys recently moved into a duplex. Praying that they are settling in, and to remember all the things to change over when moving. ;-)
  • Kitty's daughter Molly and SIL Eric have sold their house, and they need to find a house fast (they have two weeks to move out).  Pray that God will guide them to the best home for them.
  • Rita has a requests for her girlfriend (Nancy) who is in hospital with lung and leg blood clots. She adopted her two granddaughters (now 12 and 10) 3 yrs ago when her daughter died. Please pray she recovers fully.

*I'm afraid that I've missed a request.  Please let me know if I did because I'm sleep deprived!

Also, I'm noticing a moving theme with our families.  Moving is so stressful, so I'm praying for everyone, that God will help those who are moving.

Keep caffeinated this week, and PRAY PRAY PRAY!

I love you all!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. It was a dark weekend. We need unity. I do have a request for my girlfriend (Nancy) who is in hospital with lung and leg blood clots. She adopted her two granddaughters (now 12 and 10) 3 yrs ago when her daughter died. Please pray she recovers fully.

  2. My heart broke Saturday. The HATE that has been fed to our nation and the people gobbling it up.... may they see LIGHT instead of HATE!!!! Praying!!!!!!

    Praying for all the requests.

  3. I’m praying for our country, for the family of the man who died while he protected his wife and daughter, and for safety of our leaders. I’m also praying that the men of this country will embrace their masculinity. We need strong men!
    Prayers for all of your requests, and God bless you.

  4. I would also like to give a prayer of Thanksgiving for the miracle of saving President Trump’s life.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.