Monday, March 27, 2023

TLWS: Monday, Week Thirty-Five


Happy Monday, Friends!  How was your weekend?  I hope you found some peace and joy.

This week's lesson is about kids getting caught.  It's far better that they get caught by parents and are punished rather than by the police!  I love her anecdote in this one, by the way.

I used to remind our children that I often prayed that sin would find no place to hide in our home and family.  That prayer works, y'all....of course I was probably busted by God more than anyone else ;P

Prayer requests:

  • From Rita: I must continue to ask prayer for various family members - the aged with chronic health issues, members with short-term health needs for healing, and for the grandbaby, whose necessary daycare is literally a petri dish for ongoing viruses. Lord, with your help I pray each one of my loved ones - and their caretakers - can cope and conquer these matters and enjoy a healthy, new season.
  • From Kitty:  We will be traveling to Houston next Wednesday for Kristen’s mom’s memorial service and please pray for safe travels and that all goes well. Thank you! Love and blessings to all. (Also continue to pray for family unity and her son's job search.)
  • From Carla:  Pray for Sam and the 157th.  Pray for all our military families.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. The Nashville Christian school, where 3 children and 2 teachers were shot and killed this morning - dear God, please comfort that community and protect them from evil. Please help us all realize how much we need You in our lives.

  2. Prayers for all our friends’ requests and for the Nashville community as they grieve and cope with this horrific shooting.

  3. Praying for the power of TRUTH to reach the hearts of those hurting, lost and confused.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.