Monday, March 20, 2023

TLWS: Monday, Week Thirty-Four

Hello, Friends!  I hope you had a blessed weekend.

This week's reflection is about caregiving and how difficult it can be to have quiet time.  I enjoyed reading it quite a bit, and it has made me grateful for the help and care my husband and daughter has given me the past year or so.

The tulips are at their peak right now in our neighborhood.
They are beautiful in shades of pale and  bright pink and deep purple.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for the people suffering in East Palestine, Ohio.  God, please let there be justice for them.
  • Please pray for Kitty's son that he gets a job and for her family that they can be united.  
  • Pray for Sam and the 157th, our active duty military, and our veterans.
  • Our country needs godly leaders.  Let's pray that God will send us leaders who fear Him.
  • Please join me in praying 2 Chronicles 7:14 for our country at 7:14 AM and PM when you can.  Pray that there will be justice for all.
  • Rita has a prayer request for various health concerns within her family that are currently in crisis management to resolve.  Also pray for Baby J's continued recovery.
  • One of Carla's dear friends has a family friend who is being deployed to Poland/Romania. Praying that the preparations for his deployment go well as he prepares to leave his young family to honor this deployment.
  • Please add Kitty's DIL, Kristen’s family, and the repose of her beloved mom’s soul who passed two weekends ago.  Kitty expressed that she was such a lovely woman!
  • Please pray for my oldest daughter Shanley Belle (toxic work environment).
  • We have a praise:  Several of Carla's neighbors have lost sheds and barns due to snow and ice (collapsed roofs).  Carla's property has been spared, and she's so thankful.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill



  1. Happy first day of Spring! Today is oldest daughter's birthday, always a spring celebration.
    Grateful for Carla's property being spared! I also want to thank everyone for J's prayers for recovery. It looks as though she's doing well after this last surgery.
    Have a wonderful week!

  2. Happy Spring!!
    I always appreciate Praise Reports.

    Wisconsin has a Supreme Court Election coming up. Please be in prayer for the state of Wisconsin.
    Thank you, Carla

  3. Oh boy we have a lot of prayer requests for this week. I am lifting up in prayer all these requests. I am so grateful that I do not have to ask for prayers this week. All is going well here for me and my family. Almost afraid to type that lol! So happy that Carla did not have a lot of damage due to the heavy snow. I am grateful that Illinois has had a mild winter and we did not get that snow that Carla up north in Wisconsin has had. Praying for sweet Baby J and so happy she is doing so much better. Toxic work conditions are the worse. Terry has worked in a lot of those toxic work places. Praying your daughter will find peace or will have a new opportunity come to her to move her away from that. Glad you are doing well RJ and aways positive in your moving forward. I love all you prayer warriors and so appreciate the prayers when needed. Happy I can give back prayers instead of requesting them this week. Hugs to all of you. Kris


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.