Friday, June 30, 2023

TLWS: Friday, Week Forty-Eight


Happy Friday, Friends!  Do you have any plans for Independence Day?  I want to hear about them!  

What did you think about this week's reflection?  I wish I had a dollar for every time I've said, "What was I thinking!"  I'd be so rich, I could afford to fly and see each and every single one of you!  ;P

One of my favorite things about being a Christian is I can live without guilt, however I can't live without regrets.  But that's okay, and I think that Maggie does an excellent job in explaining how regrets are good for us and how best to deal with them.

Here are this week's scriptural references:

I like the NIV translation a little bit better. 

Prayer Requests

  • Rita's brother-in-law handled surgery well!  Praise God!  Also, please whisper a prayer (travel mercies) for her sister traveling from California back to Ohio.  Also pray for her daughter and granddaughter (travel mercies) who will be flying with the baby (daddy's working) to visit her other grandparents in NC for the holiday weekend.
  • Pray for Kitty's DIL, Julie, that she will find it in her heart to be able to join in on family times.  God, please turn Julie's heart in Jesus' name!
  • Praise:  Kris is expecting another grand baby.  Let's pray for the health of mother and baby.
  • Also pray for Kris's mother-in-law.  Kris had to take her earlier in the week to the ER for a blood clot. 
  • Remember to pray for Sam and the 157th.
  • Please continue to pray for my friend Pat and her family.  There has been no change in her condition.  My heart is breaking for her and her family!  Let's boldly pray for a miracle!
  • Pray for travel mercies for Shanley Belle and Christopher.  They will be flying down today from Michigan to Atlanta, and they'll drive from Atlanta to the lake to visit us for the long holiday weekend.  

Thank-you so much, Prayer Warriors!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Enjoy your time with your family at the lake. I’ll be praying for all of you and your requests, and Happy 4th of July! God bless America 💙🇺🇸❤️

  2. Praying for all the requests.
    Love to all, Carla

  3. Thank you all for the prayers. My MIL is doing better. My daughter is doing great and feeling her sweet baby moving inside now. We are all so excited. Prayers for all of those that requested them. Wishing and praying for all the prayers to be answered.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.