Friday, February 25, 2022

Friday, Week Thirty


Happy Friday, Friends!  I hope y'all have had a wonderful week and haven't spent too much time worrying about the state of the affairs in the world.  I caught myself worrying this week, and I decided to stop and turn it over to God.

This week's prompt challenges us to write a prayer focusing on an area in our lives where we need to partner with God through prayer.  I'm not writing out the prompt verbatim this morning because my prayer was actually lengthy, and your might be, too.  Anyway, I hope you've been able to write your prayer this week or maybe you can find the time this weekend to do so.

I thought that today we'd share prayer requests.  I have a few.  

  • Stamina as I approach my last Adriamycin treatment March 7th
  • Godly leadership for our country
  • Protection for civilians in Ukraine as well as other areas of the region
  • 2 Chronicles 7:14 (look on sidebar)

Now it's your turn!  Please leave your prayer requests in the comments section below.

Have a lovely weekend!

Now off to make coffee!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Excellent prompts. So happy to red this will be your last treatment!

  2. Let's all pray that peace in all the countries will prevail and we will not have to endure anymore stress and unrest like we have in the last few years. It is time for peace. So excited that you are getting closer to your last treatment. You have done so well. Power of prayer is such a gift.
    xoxo Kris

  3. How wonderful that your last treatment is getting close! That is something to be thankful for. Prayers co tiniest for you, sweet friend.
    Prayer requests are for my family to make peace and for world peace.
    Happy weekend! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  4. Prayer request for a family friend who's mother passed away this morning.

    Continued prayers for you my dear friend.

    I too got caught up in the whirlwind .. praying to be balanced regarding current events.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.