Monday, June 13, 2022

Monday, Week Forty-Six


Happy Monday, Friends!  How was your weekend?  It was pretty chill around here.

This week's focus is all about God's grace.  :D

I hope y'all will extend me a little grace for posting so late:  We had outdoor plumbing issues that needed addressing, and it was important to get our irrigation system working because we are having high temperatures and heat warnings for the next two weeks.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Grace is yours, certainly, no need to ever even ask! We are also having record temps this week. I'm staying inside except for very early mornings, and even that will be no cooler than 70° with 100% humidity! Hope your irrigation is all set now. Let's have a great week, shall we? Prayers for all those going on vacations, for safe travels.

  2. We are having record heat the past few days and it will go into tomorrow night. We hit 100 today. I feel so blessed on days like this to have AC. Hope the irrigation system is up and running for all your beautiful plants and grass. Have a good week. xoxo Kris

  3. Hello Friend,
    One of our hen's, Molly, passed away unexpected on Sunday night. She was two years old. She was a large hen, she may have had a heart attack, that is known to happen. It does make one sad.. I realize she is a chicken, but she was still special to us.
    And.. a very important prayer request.. A neighbor boy, 17 years old, shot himself. He committed suicide. My heartbreaks for the family. It all gives me the chills, we just saw him the other day on our daily walk.

    Praise Report..
    The Milwaukee Brewers were planning to have a Drag Queen show before the game last week. The power of GOOD.. WON!!! Parents and those who do not feel like this political crap needs to be at a ballgame voiced concern and continued to do so until it was cancelled from being performed on the field. Instead the Drag Queen show was held in a conference room.
    AMEN!!! We continue to fight the GOOD FIGHT!


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.