Friday, February 3, 2023

TLWS: Friday, Week Twenty-Seven


Happy Friday, Friends!  I hope you had a wonderful Groundhog's Day yesterday, and that your local varmint didn't see his shadow.  He didn't here, so spring should be right around the corner.

I wanted to tell y'all about an encounter I had at the hospital when I was going to PT.  I met a couple in the elevator, and they were lost, and I told them I'd help them find their way.  While talking to the lady, she said, "I'm a Christian," and we started discussing our faith in Christ.  She shared with me a paper she had in her purse about praying the names of God.  (I saw that she had other papers about a variety of faith-related topics, but she chose to give me the paper about praying the names of God.)

When Moses asked God for his name, God replied: "I am who I am.  Say this to the people of Israel: I Am has sent you."  (Exodus 3:14)

So given Gods response, we can call on God's "names" meaning the attributes he has, in other words, who He IS.  Here is a list the lady gave me:

Names of God

El Elyon:  The Most High God
Elohim:  Creator
Jehovah-nissi:  The Lord My Banner
Jehovah-jireh:  The Lord Will Provide
Jehovah-shalom:  The Lord Is Peace
Jehovah-sabaoth:  The Lord of Hosts
El Shaddai:  The All-Sufficient One
Adonai:  Lord, Master
Yahweh:  Lord
Jehovah-mekoddishkem:  The Lord Who Sanctifies You
El Olam:  The Everlasting God
Qanna:  Jealous
Jehovah-raah:  The Lord My Shepherd
Jehovah-rapha:  The Lord Who Heals
Jehovah-shammah:  The Lord Is There
Jehovaj-tsidkenu:  The Lord Our Righteousness

It's powerful to pray the Names of God.  Here is a link for more information!

By the way, when I got to my appointment, I was there at the wrong time;  I had missed my appointment by one hour.  I looked in my planner, and I must have written down the wrong time.  I think God wanted me to meet the lady and have a conversation with her.  Fortunately, my PT had an opening just a couple of hours later, so I ran a few errands before returning to the hospital.

We'll return to This Life We Share Monday.

Prayer Requests?  How are PT and pain management coming along, Carla?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Hello,
    WOW, thank you for sharing. This is so fascinating. Thank you for sharing!!! I am going to dig deeper into this.
    And yes, what a fantastic story about meeting this couple.. as only our Lord would have set up.

    Thank you for the prayers, I continue to have two sessions weekly and started a home exercise as well. I am getting better.

    Prayer Request...
    For our nation and the world, it seems to be on fire. Spy balloons, war, high prices for our food, fuel and other energy.
    Praying, praying, praying.

  2. I love your encounter! And yes, I think while it may not have been in your planner, it surely seems to have been in God's! When in the ballet, we danced to a piece choreographed to El Shaddai, cocal by Amy Grant. Reading that name triggered good memory. Happy weekend. I have been doing tax paperwork for myself and my Panoply sisters. Taxing to the brain, but I am resting now! Have a good weekend.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.