Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday, Week Thirteen


Happy Friday, Friends!  Do you have plans for Halloween?  I don't like it much, but I do enjoy the young trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood.  I still haven't bought any Halloween candy yet: That's errand number one on today's list!  

Here is this week's journaling prompt:

Write about a time when someone got on your nerves.  What did this person do to annoy you, and how did it make you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally?

I've actually had a pretty good week in that I haven't had to endure poor behavior from others.  I have experienced at least one rude person this week.  Friends, Trump Derangement Syndrome is real!  Why can't some people move on?  Why inject Trump hatred in a situation where it's completely inappropriate?  He has been out of office for almost ten months.  These people have no impact on me other than emotionally: I feel pity for them because they are so miserable.  Bless their hearts!

What about you?  Please share because I don't want to be the only one.  ;p

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Oh goodness, you are so brave.

    My husband was rammed by a person with a shopping cart at Menards while at the check out. My husband was waiting for the cashier to give him his change and receipt. The angry person rammed him with his cart and said, "move, I want to check out."
    My husband politely said,"I am waiting for my change and receipt."
    The person began to huff and puff. And pushed his way around to the next cashier.

    Sadly, I feel HATE is filling more and more hearts.

  2. Sometimes I think all manners are out the window with people anymore. Sometimes it is just polite to not speak about politics and interject that into a book reading club. Sorry you had that happen. We do not live in a society where people have manners anymore and just say whatever they want whether right or wrong or appropriate for the audience in which it was said.

  3. Honestly, my family gets on my nerves. They seem to want to dwell on the past of politics/blame so as not to have to face the current reality we are in. I know this is almost one week later, but it's an ongoing fact. You handled your situation better than I would have.
    Halloween was a non-event for us - only 4 TOT. I think they still thought the house was vacant, but I was cleaning glass while waiting, so the time wasn't a complete waste. I gave large bags of candy to two individuals with grandchildren, and took more to the antique mall to fill its candy jar for customers (who will likely discard their wrappers in our booths). 🙄


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.