Friday, October 22, 2021

Friday, Week Twelve


Happy Friday, Friends!  I apologize for the lateness of this post, but we were able to sleep in, and our oldest daughter needed some encouragement from her mom this morning.

How are you?  I found it appropriate that today's guided journaling included this quote:  

I have felt a calling for a while to be just that (a cheerleader).  Seeing this quote was a little bit of a confirmation for me.  

This week's prompt encourages us to:

Think of a friend or family member who needs encouragement.  Write a few sentences praising his or her character.

I was thinking about this, and I want us to go further and share these thoughts with the person each of us has written about.  What do you think?  

Do you have any other ideas on how to encourage others?

I hope y'all have a blessed weekend.  Our youngest daughter's best friend is getting married tomorrow evening.  Please say a little prayer for Amelia (the bride) and her groom!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Congrats to the bride to be. Prayers for their beginning. I think we all need a cheerleader once in awhile. Have a super great weekend. xoxo

  2. Ricki Jill, that's what you are to me...a cheerleader, also a supporter and encourager ! Thank you ! I will pray for the Bride and Groom. You and your family are always in my prayers as well. Sara

    1. Thanks for your sweet comment, Sara, and I appreciate your prayers for the happy bride and groom!

  3. Blessings to Amelia this evening. And yes, I think it is very healthy to let others know what is special about them to help encourage them. It goes a long way in helping them, especially if they have self-esteem issues.

  4. Praying for the couple, may they be a light to others and have a blessed marriage.
    Love, Carla


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.