Friday, November 5, 2021

Friday, Week Fourteen


Happy Friday, Friends!  It's interesting to me that we had this particular writing prompt this week, after: dealing with installing cabinets, scheduling workmen, irrigation problems (thank-you, God, for the rain!), and Christmas shopping.  I just posted last night on my other blog about what an impatient shopper I am!

Here's the prompt:

Write about what type of person you are: patient or impatient.  Do you like this about yourself?  Why or why not?

Overall, I am a patient person.  I tend to get impatient when people are needlessly inconsiderate with my time.  I do like that I'm patient with the really important things, like when I homeschooled our youngest daughter, and the fact that I've read every single peer reviewed article our scientist daughter has ever written, and I do not like science.  I suppose I like this about myself, but I've never really thought about it.  

What about you?  

Have y'all had a good week?  Do you have any prayer requests?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I am like you RJ I am usually patient and have had to learn that with everything going on but sometimes when people are inconsiderate of my time or tell me one thing and do another I get very impatient with that. Seems in this world we are living patience is the name of the game. Happy Saturday. xoxo Kris

  2. Hello Friend,
    I am a patient person. I am so thankful for that. And in the same ways that you shared, doing something that you may not really enjoy, but you are patient and loving to get it done.

  3. I am an impatient person, I admit it. I tend to expect as much from others as I have from myself. It's not really a good thing, and I've definitely been given some lessons to curb my 'enthusiasm'.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.