Friday, January 27, 2023

TLWS: Friday, Week Twenty-Six


Happy Friday, Friends!  How has your week been so far?  How is your family health wise?  I hope that our families have been healed by God because he is the God who heals all our diseases.  This quote from Psalm 91 does not mean that he will always heal us, but there will be a time when all of us will be healed.

What did you think about this week's lesson?  Are you quick to make a snap judgment about people?   I think everyone has been guilty of this, and I think that the lesson gives us good practical instruction from scripture on how to treat others:

But avoid foolish and unlearned debates, knowing that they create strife.  The servant of the Lord must not quarrel, but must be gentle toward all people, able to teach, patient, in gentleness instructing those in opposition.  Perhaps God will grant them repentance to know the truth, and they may escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.
~2 Timothy 2:23-26

Prayer Requests:

  • Let's continue to pray for healthy families.
  • Carla asks that you pray as she's seeking treatment for some pain issues. She had her first treatment on Friday. She has two treatments next week on Wednesday and Thursday. She is  praying for her doctor to have wisdom and guidance as they tackle this pain issue.
  • Let's pray for Rita's granddaughter Baby J because she keeps getting sick and sharing it with family.
  • Pray for Kris's husband Terry's new job.
  • Pray for peace and harmony in Kitty's family, and her son Mike as he is searching for a permanent job.
  • Our country needs leadership that fears God and cares about the truth.  Please pray that God will send us leaders with integrity.
  • My test results came back, and my iron is low again.  Pray that if I need more infusions that they won't make me nauseated.  

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Ricki Jill, thank you for all the prayer request updates. I am happy to sing the praises of an entirely WELL family this week, and I claim good health for the rest of winter! I know you must be disappointed in the low iron. Keep us posted as we keep everyone's petitions in heart. It's true, we are likely to each have experienced being judgmental. It's so easy to do when we don't know or don't seek the facts. Amen to praying for leadership with integrity. Please join me in wishing my husband a happy and healthy birthday today. ♥

  2. Hi Ricki Jill! Prayers will continue for all requests. I pray for your iron levels, and for your health. I agree about our country’s leadership and do pray that we get leaders with morals and integrity. As for being judgmental, yes, I do believe we all are guilty, but believing in Jesus, and having Faith, really opens one’s eyes and heart to others. Have a wonderful weekend! Happy Birthday to Rita’s hubby and great news about her family’s health.

  3. Hello Friend,
    I am praying for all the above requests. How are you feeling?

    Yes, I have been quick to judge. As I age, I have learned many a lesson. I pray God will continue to guide me as to not to judge, give time to understand a situation first, then the knowledge on how to proceed.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.