Monday, May 8, 2023

TLWS: Monday, Week Forty-One


Happy Monday Morning, Friends!  How was your weekend?  We've been working very hard in our garden.  We lost gardenias and many camellias during the Christmas freeze, and we've been replacing them and the other shrubs we lost.  It was a beautiful weekend to work outside here in Central Alabama, and I think we (finally) finished the job!

We're starting a new section in This Life We Share this week:  The God of Your Journey.  I have not read the lesson yet, but I love the quote at the beginning of the introduction to the section:

Prayer Requests:

  • From Carla:  Hello, continue to pray for our military that are helping with the situation in Sudan and Africa.  Also, pray for Sam and the 157th.  
  • From Kris:  One of our fellow bloggers sweet pup is not doing well so prayers that she will turn the corner with her health. Prayers for a beautiful new week as we enter into May.
  • Praise from me:  We have had the most beautiful weather this past week.  I love this time of year (Blackberry Winter).
  • Let's continue to pray for Kitty's son Mike to find a job, and for God to turn her daughter in law's heart to want to spend time with the family.

Have a great week!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Happy Monday! I hear you, prayers warriors, and will make your intentions mine. We look had a beautiful weekend, even with some rain Sunday morning, the sun was shining later. I've gotten about 90% of my [outside] home and garden work completed! I am thankful for stamina and good health to be able to do the work!

  2. Prayer request continues for our military.
    Praise report, we talked to Sam via a phone call on Sunday. He said it has been very busy on base with the evacuations. Continued prayers are appreciated and he said Thank You for all the prayers!! :-) Love, Carla

  3. Prayers for all especially Kitty and her son looking for a job. Been there with Terry's job situations so I know that stress. Praying hard something good will come along for him. Patience with these things is how it usually goes. God will provide. Continued prayers for Sam and all he is doing to keep the people in Africa safe. He is in a tough job right now. Have a good week. Glad you got all your planting done. I bet it looks beautiful. Hugs. Kris


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.