Friday, April 1, 2022

Friday, Week Thirty-Five


Happy Friday *and* April, Friends!  

I quite enjoyed this week's focus on quiet servants.  Jesus certainly modeled humble service during his ministry here on earth, and I've actually read quite a bit about it this week as part of my Lenten Bible Study.  

Here is this week's guided journaling prompt:

Do you know any quiet servants?  Describe that person and what you like about him or her.  If you are a quiet servant yourself, what motivates you to serve others?

I know several quiet servants, and until I had breast cancer I had no idea that there is actually a group of breast cancer survivors in our church who quietly reach out to us who are currently fighting the disease.  I am so appreciative of them, and I'm a little embarrassed I'd never heard of this ministry in our church before now.

I also want to thank y'all because you are all quiet servants, especially in your commitment to prayer.  You have made a huge difference in how I'm handling everything because God is good: He answers prayer!  

I want to make sure that we all lift-up Kris this weekend because she has a few diagnostic tests Tuesday.  Do y'all have any other prayer requests?  

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I do know a couple of quiet servants in my family. I actually pray for knowing what my service can be.
    I do have another prayer request for a teen member in my family. It's serious, and the entire family needs lifted in prayer. Thank you.

  2. Thank you for lifting me up in prayer. Hoping God will guide me through whatever will be on Tuesday with the grace and love he provides. I am praying for Rita's family too. They are going through some really rough stuff right now. Our prayer circle is certainly heard and I think God loves that we are all taking care of each other with our prayer requests. I know a lot of quiet servants and how they make a big difference. I am so happy you are doing so well. With the new developments knocking on my front door I hope and pray it will be good news. xoxo Kris

  3. Praying for you, Kris and Rita. We are a special group of warriors.
    Love you all. Carla

  4. I will pray for Rita's teens member and for Kris, and also for you, Ricki Jill. I agree with Carla, as prayer warriors are a special group.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.