Friday, September 2, 2022

TLWS: Friday, Week Five


Happy Friday, Friends!

Are you holding your peace this morning?  I hope you are after the lovely lesson this week!  I think it would be much better for my spiritual wellbeing to hold onto peace rather than a grudge.

Here are the other scriptural references shared:

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”
~John 20:19

Do you have any thoughts you'd like to share about the lesson?  I enjoyed the visual of holding peace in my hands and what that might feel like.  This was a good week for me to read this lesson because I've had several appointments, and I was able to go back to in-person art class.  Although it has been a happily busy week, I had to remind myself to make time for prayer and quiet time.  I visualized peace as holding a soft pillow in my arms while listening to classical music and smelling a pumpkin spice candle.

Do you have any prayer requests?  We need updates!   Share your updates in comments.  Also, check back and see what's been posted later this weekend.  I know that Kris and I will be traveling, so travel mercies for us.

Until next time...

May the Peace of the Lord always be with you!

Ricki Jill


  1. I love your imagery for holding your peace. Morning walks and fresh, cool air while fog is lifting and the sun is shining is my version of holding peace this week. Watching WVU lose to Pitt in the last 22 secs of their backyard brawl is my way of blowing that peace to smithereens, lol.
    Travel mercies. My bil is doing great post open heart, and the neighbors will be celebrating the life of the one who recently died of pancreatic cancer on Sunday with a get together of food and fellowship.
    Have a safe weekend, everyone!

  2. Oh, I love your visualization. I wrote several peace related verses on post it in my office at home and would look at them throughout the day to remind me to find peace.

    I do have a couple of prayer request. My son will be a father supposed to be in October but Mom is showing signs it can be sooner. Prayers for her and baby to stay strong and healthy.

    Prayer request 2 is for my Mom Chris, she will under go anesthesia on the 12th for the doctors to give up to three hocks to her diseased heart in hopes of getting it to beat in rhythm again.

    Continue prayers for you.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.