Friday, September 30, 2022

TLWS: Friday, Week Nine


Happy Friday, Friends!  How has your week been so far?  Mine has been super-busy with appointments and a little bit of fun mixed in.  I think I've done a little too much, so I think I'll stay home today and do some laundry!

This week's lesson is so important because empathy should be an emotion in which Christians excel, but sometimes we disappoint those we love with thoughtless comments.  I know I'm guilty of this, especially when it comes to comparisons.  I really needed this lesson, y'all!

The following passages teach us about true empathy:

If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
~1 Corinthians 12:26

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
~Galatians 6:2

How do you show others that you empathize with them?  My favorite part of the lesson is the reminder that the Holy Spirit will guide you in how to show empathy.

Here are a few prayer requests for the week.  If you have any new requests or updates, please include them in comments:

  • Rita asks that we keep her brother in law who had heart surgery eight weeks ago in prayer.  He had a follow-up appointment this week.  She also has an unspoken request.
  • Carla requests travel mercies as she and her family travel to Milwaukee today to attend the National Guard send off as they say goodbye to their son Sam and 300 Wisconsin National Guard that are deploying to Djibouti, Africa to fulfill a Federal request for Operation Enduring Freedom.  Please pray for our troops and families! She also has a friend who lives in the Tampa area, one of the areas affected by Hurricane Ian.
  • Kris's husband Terry had a miracle because he did not need surgery for his intestinal blockage.  What a praise!  Let's pray for Kris and Terry, especially for their health, because their daughter is getting married in October.
  • Please continue to pray for Kitty's son Mike as he looks for a job.  Her granddaughter is going through a tough time, too.
  • I have a praise!  My surgeon finally released me Wednesday, which means I can start radiation in a week or two!  Also, my mother is in distress.  Please pray for her!
  • Pray for Sarah Anderson who lost her husband Monnie on Wednesday after a prolonged illness.  She is one of the kindest people, and she writes the blog Hyacinths for the Soul.

Have a safe and peaceful weekend, everyone!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. What wonderful praises for YOU and for Terry! Thank you, God. My heart is heavy for Sarah and a local friend whose 57 yr old son passed away unexpectedly in his sleep this week. May God give comfort to those grieving, and keep our troops safe. Have a good weekend everyone. We will be experiencing the tail end of Ian, which is nothing compared to those in FL and SC areas affected. Prayers for those who've sustained losses.

  2. I had to gasp when I read about dear Sarah’s husband. Thank you for letting us know.
    I am thankful for your good news, Ricki Jill. I will pray for all the requests, and thank you for including mine. God bless you.

  3. I am praying for all our dear friends.

    I THANK all of you for the prayers, I could feel them wrapped around me during the send off.
    Sam and the rest of his group have made it safe to Fort Hood, Texas, they will be training at Fort Hood for 3 weeks, then on to Djibouti.

    Our friend Bonita is physically well. Thank God! But her home and neighborhood received damage.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.