Monday, October 24, 2022

TLWS: Monday, Week Thirteen


Happy Monday, Friends!  

This week we will spend time thinking about our calling.  Is God calling you to a specific ministry?  I haven't read ahead, but I am looking forward to reading this week's lesson.

Halloween is one week from today.   Do you have any plans?

Prayer requests?  Let us know how God has been answering your prayers in comments, and also include any requests you may have.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Good morning! I did read ahead in some quiet time this morning. It's a confidence booster to know God is in our corner when we are called. Praises for this past week's intentions for my granddaughter and brother in law. Enjoy the week.

  2. We enjoyed our annual Pumpkin Carving Party yesterday. We enjoyed AMAZING weather for Northwest Wisconsin in late October.
    Catie, Sam's girlfriend and her sister came to the party. My prayers are to continue to build a special relationship with Catie. And for Catie and Sam's relationship to grow stronger during this deployment.

  3. Mike found out this afternoon that he got a job!!!! It’s here in Dallas, but he will be working from home. Thank you so much for your prayers, dear friends. My granddaughter continues to be doing better emotionally.
    I’d like to ask for prayers for our country.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.