Monday, November 14, 2022

TLWS: Monday, Week Sixteen


Happy Monday, Friends!  Can you believe that Thanksgiving is next week?  Are you hosting this year?

This week's reflection is all about waiting and how we respond to spiritual "holding patterns" in our lives.  It's funny timing for me because I have been "waiting" for the past year to be finished cancer treatment.  I suppose this lesson will be good for me to reflect on my attitude during this time.  I also know that some of you are also in a "wait and see" pattern as well.

Do y'all have any prayer requests?  If you email me or leave a comment, I will include them in a bulleted list in Friday's post.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Good morning, Ricki Jill! I know you’re ready for your treatments to be over, and I’m still praying for you. I would love prayers for my family that some of them can heal their differences and be able to move on and all be together.

  2. Hello sweet friend. Happy New Week. Prayers please that Terry finds a new job since he is being pushed out of the job he has now because of his age. God has seen us through a lot and I hope will listen to our prayers. Thank you sweet prayer warrior. Hope all is going good. Been thinking about you. xoxo Kris

  3. Hello Friend,
    I am late to Monday's post.
    I hope you are well.
    Thank you for the continued prayers for Sam and the 157th. And our family.
    Love, Carla


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.