Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy Independence Day


Happy Independence Day!

I hope you are enjoying Independence Day with your family and friends.  We have spent most of the weekend at the emergency animal hospital with Mustang Sally.  She required minor surgery, but the surgery saved her life.  She is better than ever, and here at home, it's been hard to keep her calm.  I praise God for having the right surgeon on call who could perform the procedure (epiglottopexy).  

My surgery is tomorrow, so I guess Mustang Sally and I will recover together!  Have a great week, and I will check in with y'all once I'm able to do so.  My surgery is outpatient, so I should be home by mid-afternoon.

I also wanted to remind y'all to look for another guided journal to start in a few weeks.  Rita found one, and it looks very good!  

Check it out and let us know what you think:

Prayer requests?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Prayers for the families of Highland Park.

  2. So sorry to hear Sally had to have surgery. She will be with her momma to recover. Prayers as you go in for surgery. Glad it is a day surgery and you have a great surgeon. Prayers please for the people in Highland Park a city near me that had the mass shooting. So sad that families gathered for the 4th of July Parade were gunned down without mercy. I am praying for God to relinquish my anger and to help me pray for peace and for the families now that have had their lives changed forever. Kris

  3. Praying for the following... Mustang Sally, our pets are precious gifts to us, may she heal well.
    For you my dear friend.
    For Kris, may her heart stay sweet and true, as we continue to live in these dark days. May we continue to SHINE LIGHT, even when we feel darkness all around us.
    Praying for the families of the Highland Park situation.
    xx oo


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.