Friday, July 29, 2022

Friday, Week Fifty-Two


Happy Friday, Friends! 

It's hard to believe that another year has flown by.  This is our last lesson in Happy Today, and we start a new adventure next week!

I never would have dreamed when we started Happy Today: A Guided Journal to Genuine Joy last August that by Thanksgiving I would be diagnosed with breast cancer.  Ironic, isn't it?  But you know what?  I haven't lost my joy during treatment, not one single day!  I know that I still have radiation left to go, but I'm not anticipating any changes in my joy.  I thank God and I thank YOU for diligently lifting me up in prayer.  Y'all are the very best!

I like The Message's translation of these verses, don't you?  "Grow up!"  I was having a conversation with my best friend the other day, and we were talking about how so many adults these days act like they're in Middle School at best.  But before I type another word, here's this week's writing prompt:

Write down a list of ways that God has shown his love for you.  Spend some time reflecting on this list.  How could "settling yourself in the hammock of God's affection" help you love others?

I believe as Christians that we are called to show others God's love through us.  The first thing on my list is how y'all have shown me God's love through your care and prayers.  Thank-you!

"Settling yourselves in God's affection" is the only way we can be equipped to share His love.  I love the imagery of the hammock and the connotation of relaxed peace, don't you?

Are y'all looking forward to next week?  I know I am!

Have y'all bought your books yet?
I have mine!  :D

Prayer requests?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I'm happy you've felt the love since your diagnosis, Ricki Jill. I know I feel great confidence & love in turning to this group for whatever needs I have, and gladly give back that love. The idea of hammock was instant comfort in my mind too. I am ready for next week, and have already read the intro of the book and first few pages. I think it's going to be a good one. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

  2. I’m so very thankful for your joy, Ricki Jill. You are an inspiration in faith, trust and love. I’m continuing to pray for you on your journey. God bless you.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.