Friday, August 6, 2021

Friday, Week One


This photo was shared by Richard, Citizen Journalist, and it was taken in Colorado.  I think the flowers are cheerful!

Happy Friday, Friends!  I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts about this week's prompt:

What does happiness mean to you?  What words, feelings, or images come to mind when you think about being happy?

I admit that Week One was not as easy as I had anticipated due to unforeseen circumstances.... car trouble.

While at the car dealership, I struck up a conversation with a psychiatrist who practices at one of our local hospitals.  I asked her if she was seeing more patients due to COVID, and she replied that she was, and she explained that her workload would be less if her patients would get off social media and not watch the news.  I laughed, and I asked her if she was on social media. She said that she does not have a social media account, and she rarely watches the news.  She said that she lives in her own little "bubble of bliss," and it's a healthy and happy place to be.

I got a free session at the dealership!  ;P

"Choice" is the first word that comes to mind when I think about being happy.  When I choose to focus on the wonderful times I've had with family and friends, I'm choosing happiness.  Studying scripture brings me joy, and my days are happier when I choose to start my day with Bible study.  Finally, choosing to serve others leads to happiness.  Some of you have shared your community service projects with me, and your enthusiastic joy is contagious.  You inspire me!

Isn't it great that we have a savior who cares about our happiness!

(The Voice)

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I love your free session tips! My daily walks are always prompts for seeing happiness in little things along the way, whether it's the sun's angle shining like diamonds on the river, the smells of leaves, seasonal flowers...all very mundane to most, but exceptional to me. It also brings me joy when my daughter calls me on her way home most every day, just sharing her day. She calls me her life coach, what could make a mother happier??

    1. Nothing would make a mother happier! Your daughter is so sweet! :D Do you ever go on prayer walks? I have a friend who always does that. When I walk, I usually have the Westies with me, and I get too distracted to pray.

  2. I agree with your friend the psychiatrist. Turn off the news and get off social media. Good advice to feel better and get through these rough times.
    It can be so overwhelming to listen to all the things going on and opinions.
    I love to walk and just think about the beauty around me and not what is going on in the world. That is my freedom from reality for a little time each day. Happy Saturday. Have a good weekend. xoxo

    1. She was so funny, too...and it is good advice I've taken. I've been off FB for a long time. The news has honestly become silly to me.

  3. Well said Ricki, thank you for sharing your "free session" with us. I agree. I am not on Facebook, I have never been interested. I have friends who have said they get so jealous of other women who seem to have a perfect life on Social Media... interesting indeed.. because what many share on social media is not what life is like every hour.

    Thank you for sharing your heart with us as well.


Thank-you for sharing your thoughts about the guided journaling. Feel free to share your prayer requests in comments, too.